
There is an abundance of wildlife in the countryside around Knighton, but the town itself has a few specialities too.

Photo courtesy of Jim Saunders, jimsaunders.co.uk

If you are in Knighton on a fine summer’s evening look and listen for the flocks of sleek black swifts which race screaming around the rooftops. They nest in a variety of old buildings in the town, as do their close relations the swallows and house martins. Jackdaws will also make their presence felt as flocks of them clatter about around the St Edward’s church and the solitary balsam poplar tree off Castle Bank. If you hear a high-pitched mewing sound overhead look up and you are very likely to see one or more buzzards soaring out over the town from Kinsley Wood.

Less frequent but no longer rare is the red kite, which over the last few decades has gradually extended its range from it’s old heartland in remote Mid-Wales.

Red valerian (which is also pink, and white) grows in profusion on the town’s many old stone walls. It’s masses of scented blooms in turn attract butterflies and moths, including, in some years, the spectacular hummingbird hawk moth.

For large mammals you need to look only a little further afield. There are deer in Kinsley Wood, otters have been seen on the River Teme and badgers can be seen after dark on almost any of the local country lanes.

All photos courtesy of Jim Saunders, jimsaunders.co.uk

Why not try the Knighton Nature Trail?